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[Keyword] multiple access(269hit)


  • Periodic Reservation for Mobile Satellite Position Reporting Services

    Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Yoshiyuki MIZUI  Moriyuki MIZUMACHI  


    E80-B No:1

    Periodic reservation allows periodic and random packets to share the same satellite random access channel efficiently. The periodic reservation protocol is particularly suitable for mobile satellite position reporting services, where some of the information messages, such as dispatch function, are classified as "periodic" and others, such as signaling, are classified as "random." When a new mobile terminal logs on to the system, Network Management Center (NMC) reserves subsequent time slots for transmitting periodic packets without contention. A mobile terminal recognizes each time slot as "reserved" or "unreserved (available)" according to the broadcast message received from NMC. Other random packets use the slotted ALOHA protocol to contend with other mobile terminals for an unreserved time slot. The performance results suggest that the use of the periodic reservation protocol can be regarded as a viable solution for mobile satellite position reporting services such as automatic dependent surveillance (ADS).

  • A Nonlinear Blind Adaptive Receiver for DS/CDMA Systems

    Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  Kazuo YAMANAKA  


    E79-A No:12

    In this letter, we propose a blind adaptive receiver with nonlinear structure for DS/CDMA communication systems. The proposed receiver requires the signature waveform and timing for only the desired user. It is shown that the blind adaptation is equivalent to the adaptation with the training signal and the function to be minimized has no local minima.

  • CDMA Myths and Realities Revisited

    Paul Walter BAIER  Peter JUNG  


    E79-A No:12

    The pros and cons of CDMA as a multiple access scheme for third generation cellular mobile radio systems are considered. Main criteria are spectral efficiency and capacity, but also flexibility and costs.

  • Multiuser Detection Useng a Hopfield Network for Asynchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access Systems

    Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E79-A No:12

    In this paper, a multiuser receiver using a Hopfield network (Hopfield network receiver) for asynchronous codedivision multiple-access systems is proposed. We derive a novel likelihood function for the optimum demodulation of a data subsequence whose length is far shorter than that of the entire transmitted data sequence. It is shown that a novel Hopfield network receiver can be derived by exploiting the likelihood function, and the derived receiver leads to a low complexity receiver. The structure of the proposed receiver consists of a bank of correlators and a Hopfield network where the number of units is proportional to both the number of users and the length of a data sequence demodulated at a time. Computer simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed receiver with those of the conventional multiuser detectors. It is shown that the proposed receiver significantly outperforms the correlation receiver, decorrelating detector and multistage detector, and provides suboptimum performnace.

  • High-Speed Optical Fiber Networks Using Code-Division Multiple Access for Future Real-Time Computer Communications

    Jian-Guo ZHANG  


    E79-B No:7

    In this paper, a feasible optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) technique is proposed for high-speed computer networks using prime codes and optical signal processing to guarantee real-time data communications. All-optical architectures for fastly tunable CDMA encoders and decoders are presented, which can be feasibly implemented in the optical domain by using electrooptic switches and optical delay lines. This can support an ultrahigh throughput and a very fast reconfiguration time. Furthermore, we present a self-synchronized sample technique to ensure the correct phase synchronization between optical clock stream and asynchronous electronic data at each electrooptic modulator of an optical CDMA transmitter.

  • Performance Evaluation of a Collision Resolution Protocol with Random Packet Sizes

    Wonsuk CHUNG  Chongkwan UN  

    LETTER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E79-B No:5

    In ths letter, we suggest a collision resolution algorithm when the packet length is random, and analyze its throughput and delay performance. Here, three different packet length distributions and two feedback schemes (ternary and binary success/failure feedback) are considered.

  • A Bound on Uniquely Decodable Code Pair for Two-User Binary Adder Channel

    Jian-Jun SHI  Yoichiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E79-A No:5

    A uniquely decodable code pair (C, S) is considered for the two-user binary adder channel. When the first code C is linear, a lower bound of |S| is formulated and a uniquely decodable code pair (C, S) is presented. When a rate R1 of C is less than 1/3, a rate R2of S is greater than the best rate known previously.

  • Proposal of the Radio High-Way Networks Using Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access

    Yozo SHOJI  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-Access, Network

    E79-B No:3

    Air interfaces of the future mobile communication are widely spreading, because of the multimedia service demands, technology trends and radio propagation conditions. Radio-Highway Networks are expected to realize the universal, seamless and multi-air-interface capability for mobile access networks, and play an important role in the future multimedia radio communications. For the radio-highway networks, this paper newly proposes natural bandpass sampling - asynchronous time division multiple access (NBS-ATDMA) method, where radio signals are natural bandpass sampled at the radio base station and are asynchronously multiplexed on the optic fiber bus link and intelligently transmitted to its desired radio control station. We theoretically analyze the loss probability of the radio signal due to collision in the network and the carrier-to-noise power ratio of received radio signals at the radio control station. Moreover, in order to reduce the loss probability, two access control methods, carrier sense and pulse width control, are proposed, and it is clarified that these improve the number of base station connected to radio highway networks.

  • Shortened Prime Codes and Their Cost-Effective Encoders for Use in All-Optical CDMA Networks

    Jian-Guo ZHANG  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E79-B No:2

    Shortened prime codes (SPR-codes) are presented, which can maintain the fixed code weight for any arbitrary number of codewords while still preserve the same cross and auto-correlation constraints as original prime codes. The use of SPR-codes can reduce both cost and power loss of optical encoders/decoders. Tunable all-optical SPR-code encoders are also designed, which are based on rapidly tunable optical delay lines. It is shown that using this type of encoders not only can further reduce the coding power loss, but also can achieve a very cost-effective fashion.

  • Uniquely Decodable Code for Three-User Binary Adder Channel

    Jian-Jun SHI  Yoichiro WATANABE  


    E78-A No:9

    A uniquely decodable code (C1, C2, C3) is investigated for the three-user binary adder channel. The uniquely decodable code is constructed as follows: If C1 is an (n, k) linear code with a generator matrix, C2 is a coset of C1 and C3 is a set of all coset leaders, then the code (C1, C2, C3) is uniquely decodable and its total rate is equal to 1k/n, n2k. This code is easily decodable.

  • Quasi-Synchronous Time Division Duplex CDMA



    E78-A No:9

    A quasi-synchronous (QS) code division multiple access (CDMA) system is proposed for mobile communications. In the proposed method, which uses the time division duplex (TDD) mode of transmission, a mobile receiver can measure propagation delay changes. It then accordingly adjusts its transmission time so its signal can arrive at base station synchronously with other mobile units. A simple control unit is used at the mobile unit in order to reduce any error due to the propagation delay changes. The system operates as follows. At the start of a call, a mobile unit is quasi-synchronised through feedback control from the base station. The mobile unit then maintains synchronous status without any further base station feedback. The degree of the quasi-synchronous accuracy is determined by a clock in mobile units. This paper shows performance results based on using a clock rate of ten times faster than the spreading rate. Orthogonal codes are used for spreading the signals. The results demonstrate that the reverse link CDMA multiuser interference is to a great degree removed.

  • Multiple Access Performance of Parallel Combinatory Spread Spectrum Communication Systems in Nonfading and Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Shigenobu SASAKI  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  Jinkang ZHU  Gen MARUBAYASHI  


    E78-B No:8

    This paper describes the multiple access performance of parallel combinatory spread spectrum (PC/SS) communication systems in nonfading and Rayleigh fading multipath channels. The PC/SS systems can provide the high-speed data transmission capability by transmitting multiple pseudo-noise sequences out of a pre-assigned sequence set. The performance is evaluated in terms of average bit error rate (BER) by numerical computation. In nonfading white gaussian channel, the PC/SS systems are superior to conventional direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) systems under the identical spreading factor condition. In Rayleigh fading channel, the performance of the PC/SS system without diversity is poorer than that of the DS/SS system. By including the explicit and implicit diversity, the performance of the PC/SS system becomes better than that of conventional DS/SS systems. A longer spreading sequence is assignable to a PC/SS system having the spreading factor equal to that in the conventional DS/SS system. Hence, the error control coding is easily. It is found that the PC/SS systems including diversity and Reed-Solomon coding improves the multiple access performance.

  • A Dynamic TDMA Wireless Integrated Voice/Data System with Data Steal into Voice (DSV) Technique

    Gang WU  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  Mitsuhiko MIZUNO  Kazumasa TAIRA  


    E78-B No:8

    This paper deals with the method of integration of voice and data in wireless communication systems. By applying the DSV (Data Steal into Voice) technique to D-TDMA (Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access) systems, this paper presents an MAC (Media Access Control) method of integration of voice and data for the systems such as cellular radios and cordless phones. After a brief review of the D-TDMA scheme and the DSV technique, the protocol called D-TDMA/DSV is described. Then, a static analysis to derive the channel capacity and a dynamic analysis to evaluate the throughput and delay performance are presented. An extension of TFA (Transient Fluid Approximation) analysis is employed in the dynamic analysis. With the same system parameters, the capacity of D-TDMA/DSV is compared with that of the traditional D-TDMA. Under the limitation of the blocking probability required for cellular radios, some numerical examples of dynamic analysis are given to show the throughput and delay performance of the system.

  • Channel Assignment with Capture for Personal Satellite Communications

    Miki SAITO  Shigeru SHIMAMOTO  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  


    E78-A No:7

    We investigate the multipacket message transmissions and variable length message transmissions in slotted ALOHA systems with capture effect. First, we propose an approach that the transmission power level is controlled probabilistically depending on message length for multipacket messages. We consider the multipacket messages model with capture. We derive explicit equations of the effective channel utilization of the model. It is demonstrated that if we increase the numbar of power levels, we can get more effective channel utilization of the system. Secondly, we propose how to assign the slot size and show that the effective utilization of the channel is improved for variable length messages using the approach proposed for multipacket messages. Channel design issue about length of the slot depending on the number of power levels used for transmission is discussed. Thirdly, we propose the multiple messages per slot model with capture. The analytical results show that the multiple messages per slot model can achieve the highest channel utilization among the models discussed in this paper.

  • Time Division Multiple Access Protocol for a Fiber-Optic Passive Double Star Transport System

    Noriki MIKI  Kiyomi KUMOZAKI  


    E78-B No:7

    This paper describes a flexible point-to-multipoint access protocol for the fiber-optic passive double star (PDS) system. To provide various types of services, and permit flexibility in changing transport capacity, a time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme for the PDS system is considered. Dynamic time slot multiplexing based on TDMA is proposed to provide required time slots efficiently according to service changes. The effectiveness of dynamic time slot multiplexing is calculated and compared to fixed time slot multiplexing for telephony services. A TCM/TDMA frame structure and an access protocol enabling dynamic time slot multiplexing are proposed. ONU bandwidth is dynamically assigned by using a set of pointers. The ONU access protocol causes no interruption to operating ONUs on the same PDS system during the configuration or reconfiguration of an ONU. The access time is analyzed to estimate the performance of the access protocol. The probability density of access time is calculated for the number of ONUs connected. The calculation results indicate that a PDS system can accommodate up to around 60 ONUs within the maximum access time specified by ITU-T. The experimental results also agree fairly well with the theoretical values.

  • Call Admission Control for Multi-service Packet Switched Cellular Mobile Radio Systems

    Franco CALLEGATI  Claudia CARCIOFI  Mario FRULLONE  Paolo GRAZIOSO  Guido RIVA  


    E78-B No:4

    Next generation personal communication systems will provide a range of different services to moving users. In parallel, packet switching is being proposed as a way to statistical multiplexing and hence to better resource exploitation. The co-existence of different services may prove difficult due to the different requirements on quality of service parameters like packet loss, delay, and so on. This requires a careful design of Call Admission Control policies, which are to be quite different from those used in fixed network, due to two phenomena which are typical of mobile systems, namely co-channel interference and handovers. In this paper we address these complex topics, and propose some basic rules for Call Admission Control policies suitable in this context.

  • Signature Pairs for Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Multiple Access Communication Systems

    Guu-Chang YANG  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E78-B No:3

    A key element in the CDMA transmission is DS spreading. Spreading in a DS/SSMA system are provided in two categories-synchronization and data. For synchronization sequences, good auto-correlation and cross-correlation properties are required in order to guarantee fast acquistion with a minimum false alarm probability. On the other hand, the auto-correlation property may not be so important in data spreading since synchronization is obtained by synchronization spreading. In this paper we provide a set of synchronization sequences and a set of data sequences--each a set of binary N-tuples--that have the necessary correlation constraints.

  • Performance Analysis for Synchronization and System on CDMA Optical Fiber Networks

    Guu-Chang YANG  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E77-B No:10

    Different signature codes in an optical code division multiple access (CDMA) network have been known to demonstrate different performances. The performance of different signature codes in an optical CDMA network was analyzed here in this paper by including the performance evaluation for the synchronization process which was not considered previously. Both auto- and cross-correlation properties of the signature codes were found to be important. In addition, the performance comparison of (n, w1, 1, 1), (n, w2, 2, 1) optical orthogonal codes (OOC's), and (n, w3, w3, 1) extended prime code demonstrated that an (n, w2, 2, 1) OOC could accommodate more users than the other two.

  • Uniquely Decodable Code Pair Derived from a Class of Generator Matrices for Two-User Binary Adder Channel

    Jian-Jun SHI  Yoichiro WATANABE  


    E77-A No:8

    A uniquely decodable (UD) code pair (C, S) is considered for the two-user binary adder channel. For a class of linear codes C, the maximum independent set of the graph associated with C, which is the second code S, is evaluated. When the rate R1 of C is less than 0.5, there exist UD codes (C, S)'s such that the rate R2 of S exceeds the Khachatrian's and Guo's results in amount.

  • Integration of Voice and Data in Wireless Information Networks with Data Steal into Voice Multiple Access

    Gang WU  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  


    E77-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose DSVMA (Data Steal into Voice Multiple Access) scheme for integration of voice and data in wireless information networks. By using speech activity detectors and effective downstream control signals, DSVMA enables data terminals to transmit multi-packet messages when voice terminals are in silent periods. The S-G (throughput versus offered load) performance of the DSVMA system and the blocking probabilities of both the second generation systems and the DSVMA systems are evaluated by the static analysis. A dynamic analysis of a system with finite number of terminals is also presented using an approximate Markov analysis method. Some numerical examples are given in the paper. As a result, it is shown that DSVMA can improve the channel utility efficiency of a circuit-switched TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) wireless communication system and is directly applicable for second generation wireless information systems.


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